As I begin my post/rant I think it would be beneficial (fun too) to watch this video. It talks about Paris's new generation of designers. The video is an extract from a programme that I watched over at Style Bubble. You're welcome to check out the entire thing. (This clip is the fourth one down)
As far as I'm aware Paris doesn't have any sponsorship programmes so the designers are almost set to fail from the start unless they are able to finance it themselves. London has Fashion East and Fashion Fringe; also the press are keen to see who the next trendsetter will be. Basically: there's no snobbery towards the unknown.
This program confirmed that indeed Paris has some amazing talent. If monetary funds were available for them to fall back on, I believe even more would surface to smell the fashion world. Amongst the brilliant names mentioned, it was Alexandre Vauthier that really caught my eye. He has a talent, that is clear from only a few images of his collection. And yet , still, no help.

Rihanna scares me, but i have recorded that Johnny Ross lol.
This is a great point for you to make, sort of brings it to people's attention a lot more! A.V vertainly does look telented, those dresses are bloody amazing, I'm surprised Gaga hasn't got her hands on that last one ! Lol.
have you read anna wintour's comment on this? haha. i totally agree. people should be more open.
VEry interesting!
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