

Today, for some reason, I got thinking about capes hence the cheesy title. Capes are really cool! You must be really amazed with that comment so I shall elaborate. It's probably the quirkiness of it that draws me in as well as impracticality. In London wearing a cape is like protestin against the weather, usless, nonetheless I attempted to style outfits that would take cape from editorials and chauffer-driven ladies to those girls who have to use public trasport and sometimes walk if they're forgotten their Oyster/ran out of money. Don't forget thick tights (maybe thermal undies too!) Cape Time Cape Time by Z♥LDN (Join.My.Blog.) featuring PRPS Cape Time (Evening) Cape Time (Evening) by Z♥LDN (Join.My.Blog.) featuring Balmain


Side Street Style said...

Cape's Rock.....im defo going to get a new one for winter :)

Laura xxx

"coy" colleen said...

i love these sets! capes seem like the perfect fall/winter essential

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. You pick some excellent pictures.

If you have the time stop on over at my blog